How to add measures to a part
Hello friends.
I can't figure out how to add a stave with multiple measures (not the whole part) from another instrument's part to a single part. This is necessary for the musician can see where to join.
Hello friends.
I can't figure out how to add a stave with multiple measures (not the whole part) from another instrument's part to a single part. This is necessary for the musician can see where to join.
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The instrument must be present throughout the score but hidden when not required. See
In reply to The instrument must be… by SteveBlower
thanks for the reply. of the things listed in the article at the link, the only option that suits me is to hide the bars using the settings of the staff. but this is very inconvenient due to the fact that you can hide only one bar at a time. are there any ways to hide a range of multiple bars at a time?
In reply to thanks for the reply. of the… by kovalev_ev_
Yes, and it is described much better in that article than I could here. Try reading it again.
Things to understand.
You can hide all empty bars everywhere
or You can hide all empty bars in systems that are completely empty but not in systems that contain an non-empty bar
You can prevent the first system of a score from being hidden even if it is empty.
You can do all of those things for all staves in the score or have different settings for different staves.
All by choosing the correct combination of settings.
I think you probably want to use the settings described under "cutaway"…
or "ossia"…