I need to divide

• Feb 25, 2025 - 01:14

First, I just want to clarify that I wasn't sure what category to put this in, so I chose the safe option.

I'm trying to put a half note and an eighth note in the same spot, just like you can with two same value notes, but it's just making two eighth notes and a quarter. This might be a silly question, but I'm relatively new to MuseScore.

Extra information that might be helpful:
I'm writing for piano.
I've tried writing "div."

Thanks in advance!!


I believe you want something like this?

20250224 222740 - Voices.png

If so, check out Voices in the MuseScore 4 Handbook


If not, some clarification would be helpful. Perhaps a screenshot of something demonstrating what you are asking about.

N.B. I recommend this to every new (or "new-ish" :-) user I communicate with. Take an hour or two and simply read the entire Handbook (https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4). Don't try to memorize it! Just skim through it and familiarize yourself with the contents! But read it all!!! Then you'll have an idea where to find things when issues come up in the future. "Didn't I see something about that in the Handbook?"

Welcome aboard and best of luck!!!

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