How to Get Spiccato to work on MuseScore 4

• Feb 28, 2025 - 22:01

I am currently working on transcribing the song "Peacekeeper II" by Jose Pavli, from the OST for the game Project Wingman. In the intro of the song, there's a 20 second segment where the violinists are tapping their bows on the strings of their instruments, and it creates an eerie pitched tapping sound. (It can be seen here, timestamps 1:10-1:30 )
I was wondering if there's any way I could not only notate this in MS4, but also get it to play back? At the moment, I'm making due with doing snare side hits, but it's just not the same.

Any help would be appreciated.
I am also willing to downgrade the song to MS3 if that's the only way to achieve the desired results, but I'm hoping there's a solution for this in MS4.

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