Need help repairing some measures in a score

• Feb 28, 2025 - 23:18

I have a few measure in a score that are preventing me from safely saving my project. I have tried fixing those 4 measure in question - but no luck. I was looking for Repair Assistant and could not find it.
I am running a Mac Pro. OS Sequoia 15.3.1. The problems seem to be in the tenor sax, trumpet, and trombone parts.
I try fixing the part and then the score is wrong. I then try to fix the score and the individual part is wrong. All sound and including measures 35 - 49. Again, this is strictly happening with the trumpet, tenor sax, and the trombone.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks ...

Attachment Size
Natural Woman2.mscz 539.37 KB


For my part, the message when opening indicated a problem with several corrupted measures for the Tenor part. All I had to do was go to Parts (toolbar), then click on the three dots "..." in front of the Tenor part name, and on "Reset"
Result: 1Natural Woman2.mscz

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