Adding a complete stop to a score

• Mar 2, 2025 - 19:43

Hi guys,

Newbie to composing and sheet music in general. I'm writing a musical and scoring it on Musescore 4 and I've run into an issue with playback and I am wondering if there's a way to fix it or if this is outside the realms of Musescore currently. So I want the playback to stop completely and wait for an input to start again. In real life the musicians will obviously stop and wait for the conductor as I have added a fermata above the barline but currently when playing back the piece musescore pauses for a brief moment and then continues on automatically. Is there anyway to make it stop completely and wait until I press play again?

Appreciate any help,


Not possible in MuseScore Studio.

The closest you can come is to use the Section break tool from the Layout palette. This pauses playback for 3 seconds (by default, but it's adjustable in the Section break's Properties tab) and then continues with the next section. This would be normally used for the complete pause between, for example, movements of a larger piece. (But I'm sure it could be used for other purposes that I haven't thought of.)

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