Quantize is preventing me from adding notes to measures where notes are missing from the mscz file created from a pdf. I don't see Quantize in my Edit menu. Is there another way to turn the flippin' thing off?
Quantize is preventing me from adding notes to measures where notes are missing from the mscz file created from a pdf. I don't see Quantize in my Edit menu. Is there another way to turn the flippin' thing off?
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What version of MuseScore Studio are you using? (Help / About MuseScore) What operating system are you running? Can you attach the .PDF and the .MSCZ files?
As far as I know, Quantize was an option only in MuS 3. (It's definitely not an option in MuS 4.) It only affected the import process. Once the .MSCZ file was created, the user could then modify the notes normally. What makes you believe that "Quantize is preventing [you] from adding notes"?