Parts automatically change Clef without permission
I have altered a Classical Guitar Staff to have the extended range for the extra string (tuned to C2).
As expected, the score shows a treble clef one octave lower (with the 8 in subscript indicating the octave), which is the standard clef for Classical Guitar.
When I create parts, the clef automatically switches to the Bass clef and there seems to be nothing that can be done to revert it to the desired clef.
As a work-around, I was able to create a linked staff in the part that had the treble clef and made the Bass clef invisible. Although this solved my problem, it was a very poor user experience and very counter-intuitive.
Attach the score. (In case you don't know how, see How To attach a file). It definitely shouldn't do that. Let's see if someone can find out why it did.