Error showing "Voice too long: Full score, bar 33, stave 9, voice 2. Found: 5/4. Expected: 4/4."

• Mar 8, 2025 - 19:18

I was working on this piece and when i went to save it, it showed a corrupted file message. Can anyone help me out? I don't understand exactly what other forums that tell fixes say so i'll use this as a last resort.

Attachment Size
We'll make it work.mscz 93.43 KB


In the full score go to bar 33, stave 9 (9th instrument), voice 2 (the green ones) and open 'bar properties' to correct the actual lenght to 4/4.
A second posibility is to delete the content and rewrite it.

There are too many beats in voice 2. 5 instead of 4. I selected that measure in the drum part and hit delete. Then I selected the measure before (measure 32 in the drum part) and hit "R". That copied the measure to 33. "R" for repeat.

Attachment Size
We'll make it work123.mscz 93.37 KB

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