verlorene Datei

• Mar 13, 2025 - 17:53

irgendwie finde den Ortner in Musescore 4 nicht mehr, in dem die automatische gespeicherten Dateien gespeichert werden.
unter dieser Suche :
~/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/
finde ich es nicht.
wo kann ich die denn jetz finden?


Google Translate says:
Lost file
I can't seem to find the folder in Musescore 4 where the autosave files are saved.
I can't find it in this search:
~/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/
where can I find them now?
= = = = = = = = = =
Your files are saved wherever you saved them. If you did not save them, then you have a chance (not a certainty!) of finding them in the folders described on these two pages:

How to recover a backup copy of a score
How to recover a backup copy of a score (1.x)

Remember: "Save early! Save often!

Going forward, the following thread post describes @yonah_ag's folder structure (and now, mine, too) for file versioning. This might help if the problem arises in the future. (Sadly, if you're not already doing it, it cannot help NOW.)

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