Sounding harmonics at concert pitch

• Mar 13, 2025 - 22:17

Hi there, I'm trying to play back harmonics at concert pitch. In it says, "If harmonics do not play back at the correct pitch, mute them and create a hidden voice containing the harmonics at concert pitch." I can't see how to mute the harmonics, nor how to "create a hidden voice". See bars 88-93 of the attached, the viola part of a Serenade by Giuliani for violin, guitar and viola. Thanks for any advice.

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Giuliani_Serenade_VC.mscz 31.72 KB


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Hi there, I'm trying to play back harmonics at concert pitch. In the section "Guitar Techniques" it says, "If harmonics do not play back at the correct pitch, mute them and create a hidden voice containing the harmonics at concert pitch." I can't see how to mute the harmonics, nor how to "create a hidden voice". See bars 88-93 of the attached, the viola part of a Serenade by Giuliani for violin, guitar and viola. Thanks for any advice.

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