Time Signature Beam Groups in Extended Measures

• Mar 14, 2025 - 15:37

It's sometimes necessary to tinker with measure duration. Props for getting pickup and final measures right automatically. But beam groups set in Time Signature Properties don't define groups for more than the actual measure duration of that time signature. If a measure is longer than the nominal duration, the preset still applies to the nominal duration but the rest of the measure is left undefined. And there is no way to predefine it, it's necessary to manually set the beam groups in each instance.

A simple feature would be to just repeat the beam groups definition after the nominal duration is over but the measure continues. E.g. apply the preset again from the 5 count onwards in 4/4. And make it optional of course.

Attachment Size
MuseScore_Groups.png 60.63 KB
MuseScore_Beaming_tickbox.png 69.03 KB

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