Version 4.5 Instruments palette

• Mar 14, 2025 - 19:24

Interesting. Did they really mean to relabel it to "Layout"? What does that even mean?


Out of self-defense, My brain always seems to go to the worst case scenario. So now we can add, in the main score, various things to each or selected parts. From the new Layout palette. I can add a rehearsal letter to each main set of staves. And/or tempo. And on and on. This might seem like a neat idea on the surface. Can you imagine how cluttered a 30 stave score will look? Especially one already marked with lots of dynamics and hairpins and articulations. I mean, the score is already open so that these things can be added (why) right there. Without having to change palettes. It might be different if these things weren't in the individual parts already when you add them in the score.
In the mean time, do slurs and velocity chances work?

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