Change needed for Tie function in "Input by duration" mode

• Mar 15, 2025 - 09:19

The recent addition of "Input by duration mode" in MuseScore 4.5 is very welcome, especially for those who have worked with Finale for years. However, there is a problem with the Tie function (shortcut T) when writing notes in this mode: when you press T to create a tie, a new tied note appears, which has the same duration as the previous one. The problem is when you need to create a tied note with a different duration (e.g. a half-note tied with an eighth-note), because you cannot select the needed duration before pressing the T key, since if you press one of the keys 1-7 a new untied note will be added in this mode (whereas in "Input by note name" mode you could select the new duration before pressing the note name shortcut key).
The solution would be to change the function of shortcut T for the "Input by duration" mode, and make it similar to Finale Speedy Entry mode: pressing T creates a tie, but no new note is entered until you press a duration shortcut key (keys 1-7) to add a new note.
Thanks in advance for considering this issue!


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