No playback, just a blue line

• Mar 15, 2025 - 14:16

When I try to add new notes or play existing scores, I get no sound and a blue playback line. This has happened to me before, but I don't know what I did to fix it. I have restarted both the program and my computer and tried reverting to factory setting but nothing has worked. Help!

Here are somethings that might help:
I'm running on a Windows 11 laptop
updated recently to MS v4.5.0.25072184 but problem did exist before updating
I uploaded a score that is experiencing this bug (all of my scores are tho) to see if it's just my computer
I also uploaded my MS diagnostic folder

Hope someone can fix this!

Attachment Size
Sub One.mscz 107.76 KB
MS 1.37 MB


What do you see in menu Diagnostic / Muse Sampler / Check Muse Sampler?
From version 4.5: menu Help / Diagnostics / Muse Sampler / Check Muse Sampler?

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