incorrect stem sharing between crotchet and quaver

• Mar 17, 2025 - 15:28

Musescore is sharing a stem between a voice 1 crotchet and a voice 2 quaver - making the crotchet appear as a quaver.

(side question: how do you swap the horizontal order of a diad? (in this case to make E natural come before/to the left of the D)

see attached images please.

Attachment Size
wrong sharing.png 8.99 KB
upside down.png 10.14 KB
desired format.jpg 1.93 MB


When using voices, the stem directions are determined according to the voice: up for Voice 1 and Voice 3, down for Voice 2 and Voice 4.
Looking at your picture, the 4 G quavers clearly have stems down -- so a good candidate for voice 2:
stems down2.png
Ignoring, for now, the very first E crotchet, you can enter voice 1 (blue) and voice 2 (green) as such:
(When entering voice 2 after voice 1, voice 1 stems will automatically point up.)

Enter the E crotchet in voice 3:
Finally, adjust the E note horizontal 'Offset' under 'Appearance' in the Properties panel:

Here's the sample score:
Sample score.mscz

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