Musescore 4.5 ... guitar "issues"

• Mar 18, 2025 - 16:52

Hello Musescorers:

I started using Musescore 4.5

It seems to have some features that i hope that Musescore creators will fix.

Here's one:

I want to play a D9 on the 9th fret that includes these notes: D C E and F# ... as shown in the attached file named D9.png. Note that I've labeled the fretboard diagram D.9 (with a dot between the D and 9).

If I don't include that dot, Musescore 4.5 changes my fretboard diagram and automatically gives me a D9 fingering on the 4th fret.... I've attached a screenshot file of that wrong D9 with file named "Wrong.D9.png"

What seems to be happening is: 4.5 seems to be making decisions for me and not allowing me to choose the D9 voicing I want.

How do I get it to stop making those choices for me??


Attachment Size
D9.png 10.96 KB
Wrong.D9.png 10.41 KB

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