Bug: Wrong printing of superscript in chord marking

• Mar 19, 2025 - 18:34


I like to use this unique chord formatting: https://github.com/Mendelbart/musescore-chord-symbols/blob/main/chords_….

Version 4.5 of the program prints the superscript in the chord notation incorrectly: the font size is not reduced. It looks fine in the program, but the exported result is wrong. (See: uploaded attachments.)

In MuseScore app:
MuseScore good.png
Exported to PDF:
Exported PDF bad.png
Printed into PDF:
Printed PDF bad.png

I have experienced this error in version 4.2, but even there, if I printed to the virtual "PDF-XChange Standard" printer and did not export, it was fine.

Printed with "PDF-XChange Standard" int PDF with v4.2
Printed PDF good (with v4.2).png
In version 4.5 it is now wrong in both cases.

Please fix this small but annoying bug as soon as possible!

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