Bug: Wrong printing of superscript in chord marking
I like to use this unique chord formatting: https://github.com/Mendelbart/musescore-chord-symbols/blob/main/chords_….
Version 4.5 of the program prints the superscript in the chord notation incorrectly: the font size is not reduced. It looks fine in the program, but the exported result is wrong. (See: uploaded attachments.)
In MuseScore app:
Exported to PDF:
Printed into PDF:
I have experienced this error in version 4.2, but even there, if I printed to the virtual "PDF-XChange Standard" printer and did not export, it was fine.
Printed with "PDF-XChange Standard" int PDF with v4.2
In version 4.5 it is now wrong in both cases.
Please fix this small but annoying bug as soon as possible!