doing the math to change time signature ?

• Mar 19, 2025 - 23:28

Hi all --

i'm working with a piece i improvised that was transcribed by a computer / i've edited it from there.
it's currently in 4/4 where quarter note = 110.

I am wondering how to take the whole piece and reconfigure it so it's 4/4 and quarternote=55 .

so not just a TIME SIGNATURE CHANGE / but changing half notes to quarter notes etc.
it's not too long so might try doing manually, but before i do wondered if there's a computer way to do this ???


It's not a time signature change at all. You said that it's currently in 4/4 and that you want it to end up in 4/4. That's the same time signature.

GrillingUXO's advice is pretty on target. You probably want to find blank space to put this in: you can make a blank measure at the end. Copy the part you want to change, Move the cursor to the blank measure and click on Edit / Paste half duration. Select the first note of the new measures and add the metronome marking (quarter note = 55) from the Tempo palette.

No math required!

FYI: The original and this copy should sound identical when played.

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