Deleting measures can result in a "blank view"

• Mar 21, 2025 - 21:01

Since MS3.6 (and up through MS 4.5.1) deleting measures can leave you staring at cosmic background radiation.

Say you have a five page score. You select all measures on pages 3 to 5. While viewing page 3, 4 or 5 you press Command/Control forward delete. MuseScore dutifully delete all the measures on those pages, BUT it fails to update the view, thus it leaves you viewing the place where those measures used to be.

I recommend updating the view to some existing measures, preferably those now at the end of the score.


I've seen that too. I have found that pressing the Left (or sometimes Right) arrow key makes the cursor jump to the note immediately before (or after) whatever is currently selected, which makes the view jump there too. But I agree: it ought to jump there without having to take that additional action.

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