I can't add instruments to my score in musescore 4.5.0

• Mar 22, 2025 - 09:15

I've got this score I want to add a common drumset to and it crashes whenever I press OK to add it. I've tried adding other instruments and it also crashes. The file of the score is attached. It only happens on this score. I've begun checking on others.

Attachment Size
Melody in Eb Major.mscz 50.26 KB


When you get a random crash like this, it's often a good idea to Reset all the parts:
1. Click the Parts button (top centre of your screen)
2. For each Part, click the "3-dots" menu and select Reset
3. For each Part, confirm the "Are you sure...?" with Yes
4. Save your score

After that you should be able to add a new instrument.

Attachment Size
Melody in Eb Major - parts reset.mscz 68.41 KB

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