Commands still broken on MacOS (again). Lyric input affected.

• Mar 22, 2025 - 18:08

I'm kind of in disbelief that no one has talked about this for more than a week now, but I guess I'll be the one to point it out again. This has happened in older 4.x versions affecting other commands and was fixed in time, but it has showed up again in v4.5 in a much more obvious way and is unfortunately still unresolved in v4.5.1.

The main issue is that the dash "-" shortcut is triggering the underscore "" shortcut. The underscore "" shortcut itself does nothing. This has the consequence of making inputing lyrics impossible without hacking new shortcuts for everything and destroying my workflow. Other shortcuts like "⌥L" also do not function when assigned to a shortcut. I don't believe this issue is present on Windows though I haven't verified.


Works as expected here with:OS: macOS 12.7, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.1-250800846, revision: 603eca8

By using "-" and Shift + "-"
For the record: AZERTY keyboard.

Enregistrement de l’écran 2025-03-22 à 19.23.38.gif

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