copy instrument lay-out from one instrument to another

• Mar 22, 2025 - 21:59

Hi, what I really miss is the option that was in Sibelius to copy the layout of one instrument score to others of your choice. E.g., having the same measurenumber at the same location is very handy for reference between instruments of the same kind in an orchestra. I tried to search for it but cannot find it anywahere and now I'm doing this by hand for all scores. Could be easier I hope?


In reply to by bobjp

I have main score for let's say an orchestra with 20 instruments. I'm having the parts for the trombones and want them to have measure 15 at the start of a system. In sibelius I could make this lay-out in one instrument and copy it to others of my choice. Here I would only copy it to the other trombones.

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