Large Time Signature Multiple Placement Among Staves

• Mar 24, 2025 - 00:27

With the big time signature plugin, I was able to have the time signature placed multiple times across the staves by copy and pasting (see screenshot). With the 4.5 update, large time signatures are now native in Musescore, but I can't figure out how to multiply them vertically. Is there currently a way to do this?

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Screenshot 2025-03-23 at 8.23.12 PM.png 145.31 KB


Yes! When you use the big time signature styles (above staves, across staves), time signatures are treated as system markings (like tempos and rehearsal marks, etc) and will appear at whichever positions you configure system markings to appear. They always appear once, at the top, but you can add others. See the system markings and Time signatures pages in the handbook, but in brief, for your example:

  • go to the Layout panel (formerly Instruments)
  • select the Violin I in the list
  • click Add at the top and choose System markings, which will add an instance of system markings above the Violins stave

Now all your time signatures will appear at the Violins position too.

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