How to fix this formatting problem in muscore

• Mar 24, 2025 - 13:10

I'm trying to get my full score to have 8 bars per page, as shown on the left, but for some reason, musescore keeps making some pages look like the right. Is there any way to fix this?

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muscore_snippet.png 98.84 KB


Yes, there are many ways to influence the page layout.
Firstly, this is because not all pages are identical - some measures have lower or higher notes, have hairpins or dymanics and so on. But:

  • You can decrease the layout stretch.
  • You can reduce the margins.
  • You can influence the staff spacing in the page format.
  • And certainly more...

Only a very small change in the values can have the desired effect.
For further details, you should include the score (and tell your musescore version).

In reply to by HildeK

"I'm trying to get my full score to have 8 bars per page, as shown on the left, but for some reason, musescore keeps making some pages look like the right. Is there any way to fix this?"

Have you tried, in menu Format, the new "Measures per system..." feature ? (available since version 4.5)

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