Problem with latest update

• Mar 24, 2025 - 16:42

Just upgraded Mac version to OS: macOS 15.3, Arch.: arm64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.1-250800846, revision: 603eca8

and I've found that I can't play notes on the keyboard without them being entered on the score! I turn off note input, bring up keyboard, and whereas before I could play notes without entering them into the score, this time MuseScore goes into note input mode as soon as the note is played and I keep editing my score unintentionally!!

Can someone please fix this bug? Thank you.


You can fix the bug yourself. :) Go to menu Edit -> Preferences -> Note input and uncheck the "When pressing a key, begin note input at the selected measure, note or rest" checkbox.

It's not a bug but a new feature - by default, if you select something in the score before playing on your keyboard, it automatically enters note input mode. Without nothing selected, it doesn't. If you want to turn that feature off, do so in Preferences / Note input.

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