Can't save my song

• Mar 24, 2025 - 18:09

I can't save my MuseScore song anywhere. It won't let me save it directly onto my computer, and it won't let me save it to the cloud. I'm logged into my account, but it still won't save. Does anyone know why, or how to fix it?


What is your system? Windows 11, 10; Linux; Mac?
What is the version? 4.5.0? 4.5.1? 3.6.2?
Try saving your file into the folder the path to which does not contain non-ASCII symbols. Just in case this problem has reoccured:

Edit: Would you mind creating a new score (Ctrl+N) with "Piccolo in C" (or any other instrument, that's irrelevant for this test) and trying to save THAT empty file to your PC as an "Untitled score"? If you'll manage that it would mean that your first score is corrupted or something and if you won't, your software build/version/revision is to be blamed.

If that's the file corruption we're dealing with,
1) Add instruments to that newly saved Untitled score so its layout would match up with your old score. And adjust both key and time signatures. Ctrl+S to save the layout (you cannot be too cautious).
2) Ctrl+C ONE instrument from your old score, Ctrl+V into the new score. Save it. You can tell wether it has saved by looking at the tab's name (Top left corner of the area number 6 here: If it is not saved, the name will be "*Untitled score" with an asterisk in it.
3) Ctrl+C ONE other instrument from your old score, Ctrl+V into the new score. Save it. Make sure it has saved
4) Repeat it one system after the other
5) If it so happens that the score will not be able to be saved, it would mean that you have found the source of corruption. Ctrl+Z to the latest stable version. Make a copy of your score (File-Save_a_copy
6) Start copying, pasting and saving the corrupted system 4 bars at a time. Rewrite the place you'll have a problem saving BY HAND (Ctrl+Z to the stable version first, then rewrite).
7) Share the screenshot of the place Musescore couldn't swallow. It would be interesting to know. Will that be a volta? Nested tuplets? A signature change?..

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