I read the manual about adding slurs and have no problem with adding them. But suppose in addition to a couple of notes in the soprano voice, you want also want to add a slur to the alto voice. (Or both tenor and bass, for that matter). Let's say to the soprano part slurs from a G note to an E and the alto from an E to a middle C. I have read the manual and it's no problem adding to one or the other, but I am unable to do both the wat the manual explains. I have been copying and pasting. Is there any other way?
I would do it as two slurs, with the soprano above and the alto below.
If I misunderstand, a screenshot would be helpful.
Click first note of voice1, SHIFT+Click last note of voice2, press S
and you get two slurs.
In reply to Click first note of voice1,… by Pentatonus
Thanks for your reply. I tried it and it didn't work for me. All I got was a slur connecting the two second voice notes. I did a little experimenting. I clicked the first note of the second voice and pressed "S" to get a slur. I then clicked the "flip Direction" button to the right of "Triplet" at the top to get the slur above the notes. I then clicked the first note of second voice again and pressed "S". This made two slurs.
In reply to I tried it and it didn't… by knschf15
Please do attach a score. I'm'a bet that you have both your Soprano and Alto parts in the same (MuseScore) Voice. That's what your description sounds like. You might want to have them in separate Voices so that they can have different rhythms occasionally.
In reply to Please do attach a score. I… by TheHutch
Thanks for the suggestion. You're correct. I never thought of it. I just tried it and it worked. Thanks again.