Sounds from nowhere?

• Mar 24, 2025 - 23:11

In my most recent scoring, on playback I heard long persistent tones crossing numerous measures. When this occurred using the previous build, I was able to fix this by tracking down where the unwanted sound began, deleting the note in that position and then re-entering the note. Somehow, there was an entanglement of the correct note and some background tone which was fixed by that deletion.

However, using this latest build, it has been impossible to track down the spurious tones, where they begin and how to eliminate them.

The first problem begins in the second section (Rondo Allegretto) that starts at measure 104. It should become obvious pretty quickly as you track the music while it is being played.

The second problem begins when you look only at Flute 2. There is no sound at all. There is sound when you play both instruments in the master score, but nothing when you try to look at just Flute 2.

Attachment Size
Cambini_Flute-Duo_Op_11_no_6.mscz 610.74 KB


"[T]his latest build" is not specific enough. Please identify your computer's operating system and version, and MuseScore's version. You can get all three simultaneously by clicking on Help / About MuseScore from the main menu. Then click the copy button (two pieces of paper) next to the "Build" number. Paste that into your post.

Most importantly, have you 4.5.0 or 4.5.1? Because I believe this issue was resolved (at least, for some users?) in 4.5.1.

In reply to by mijcar

More information:
When I delete the first movement of the piece (Allegro Risoluto), the "ghost" disappears (see attached file Ghost Sound issues 1). However, when I try to play Flute 2 in the parts section, there is still only silence).

The second file I attached (Ghost Sound issues) is the master file with both "tracks" in which the second movement does have the same issues I described originally.

I suspect that the first movement creates some kind of coding artifact that affects the behavior of the second movement.

I will keep working on this (as I find time) on my end.

Attachment Size
Ghost Sound issues-1.mscz 610.71 KB
Ghost Sound issues.mscz 610.65 KB

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