Dragging rehearsal markers makes them disappear
This is with build:
OS: macOS 15.3, Arch.: arm64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.1-250800846, revision: 603eca8
Consider this test chart:
dragging rehearsal marks flaky.mscz
Behavior is erratic and inconsistent. But try the following:
1) open the attached file
2) find the rehearsal marker "Sax Solo - like Bridge"
3) click near the word "Bridge" and start dragging downward, perhaps slightly to the right
The rehearsal marker completely disappears. Under slightly different conditions, it might hop completely to another system or do other odd things. Very strange.
Hopefully you're able to reproduce it.
Indeed, known issue, see (and don't drag with the mouse) : https://musescore.org/en/node/376817#comment-1286177
In reply to Indeed, see (and don't drag)… by cadiz1
Okay, thanks.