[Feature Request] Quick Measure Copy-Paste with Simultaneous Mouse Click (Like in Sibelius)

• Mar 26, 2025 - 02:51


I have been using MuseScore more and more lately, and I really appreciate the software. However, there is one feature from Sibelius that I found extremely useful and that I miss in MuseScore.

In Sibelius, it is possible to copy and paste a measure in a single gesture:

You select a measure,

Then, by simultaneously clicking the left and right mouse buttons on the target measure, the content is instantly pasted.

This method is faster than Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V and more intuitive than Alt + Click in MuseScore.

I would like to know:

  1. Has this feature ever been discussed or considered for MuseScore?

  2. Which files in the source code (C++) would I need to modify to implement this myself?

  3. Do you have any advice for a beginner who wants to modify this part of the program?

I am motivated to try implementing this, even though I have little experience with C++. I have previously contributed an instrument recognition file for Ardour on GitHub, so I am willing to learn and test modifications.

Thank you in advance for your help!


I think the copy/paste method you describe was there since Sibelius 1.0!

Though I abandoned Sibelius, and in short order, I thought that particular design was sublime, so much so I expected various operating systems might adopt its simplicity.

I hope you're able to bring this to MuseScore 3.7 and MuseScore Studio.

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