Chord symbol implying half - whole diminished
Is there a Chord symbol implying a half - whole diminished scale application?
Is there a Chord symbol implying a half - whole diminished scale application?
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There are chord symbols for both the diminished 7 and the half-diminished 7. See the Handbook at
In reply to There are chord symbols for… by TheHutch
Thanks, I know, but that doesn't answer my question. I am specifically looking for a simple symbol that represents the scale for a Dominant 7chjord that has a b9, #9, #11 and a NATURAL 13 rather than writing it out in that manner.
In reply to Thanks, I know, but that… by xavierjazz
That's kind of outside the scope of this forum. But in just over 40 years of playing the guitar, I've never seen such a symbol. Chord names don't particularly map to scales.
Cdim13(b9#9#11) seems like it'd be close? Cdim13alt? I'm doubtful.
This website (…) talks about playing that scale over a 7b9 chord. But I don't think that there's a chord symbol that corresponds to the whole scale. That would seem to be redundant.
Sorry, this is a question for your guitar (or other) teacher.
In reply to That's kind of outside the… by TheHutch
Hi. I'm a keyboard player and a composer.
The critical aspect is to define Half/whole scale is the 1st step - it is a 1/2 step.
Marc has an interesting idea.
Thanks for your interest. :)
In reply to Thanks, I know, but that… by xavierjazz
Chord symbols don't in themselves specify scales, but jazz musicians often do associate specific scales with specific chords. The chord symbol that would best suggest the HW diminished scale would be C13b9. Of course, jazz being what it is, that won't guarantee anyone uses that scale, but it is a natural choice. Some folks would write out C7(b9,#9,#11,13) but - please, no.
In reply to Chord symbols don't in… by Marc Sabatella
That's pretty good. Let me think on it and try some of my players.
Regards, :)
In reply to Chord symbols don't in… by Marc Sabatella
*LMAO* Sweet goddess, no! *ROFL*