Playback not working / crash on buffer size adjustment
I recently purchased new monitors which proved incompatible with my current settings on MuseScore.
- The Buffer Size bar was greyed out and kept crashing the program when changed higher than 1024.
- Playback wasn't working (presumably because of incorrect configuration)
Everything else was as it should, I followed most step found online to make sure it wasn't a general computer setup miss.
Now, I was able to solve this by simply launching MuseScore Studio to the default project selector screen and going into Preferences to change my buffer size from there - but as these exact steps resulted in a crash when a score was open it wasn't obvious.
Searching for solutions online proved that others have also had this issue, which is why I'm recording my experience here.
Is this Windows?
Is the new monitor bigger or smaller than the old one?
If different, did you follow configuration suggested by Windows? I.E. text size and resolution?
Do you need to change the buffer? I haven't had to in newer versions of MuseScore.