Linux Mint Installation Problems

• Mar 28, 2025 - 02:44

I've moved from Windows 10 to Linux Mint Cinnamon and I'm not happy the way Musescore is distributed. Only version 2 is available through the Software Manager, I downloaded the AppImage from the website and the software fails to load, I managed to load it from FlatPack Source but is labelled as "unverified" and although being v4.5 I get instructions to upgrade to 4.51 but that just points back to an Appimage which, as explained before, doesn't. What are others doing to overcome these problems?


"'I've moved from Windows 10 to Linux Mint Cinnamon and I'm not happy the way Musescore is distributed"

I'm a bit surprised by this sentence. I too recycled a computer using Windows 10 to Linux Mint Cinnamon 22 a little over a month ago. Being a complete Linux beginner, let's just say I was dreading a few pitfalls.
Well, not at all.
The installation with AppImage went perfectly and everything's been fine ever since.
Did you follow this procedure scrupulously?
Once installed, go to Properties / Permissions / and check "Check the “Allow executing file as program”
And you're ready to go!
NB: if it helps, I seem to remember that I didn't even need to go through steps 7 and 8. The first 6 were enough for me. I didn't really try to understand why :)

In reply to by cadiz1

Many thanks for the tip cadiz1. I finally got it loaded through FlatPak. I was worried the "unverified" tag posed a security risk but apparently it does not. Just Musescore haven't approved that version. I must say I'm enjoying the speed on Linux Mint - so much smoother. Many thanks again for taking the time.

In reply to by btibbels

In my opinion, it was a mistake to have loaded it throught FlatPak. There have been a number of problems (various and sundry, including crashes) reported on this forum in recent weeks and months. I really advise you to come back with AppImage, the "official" format supported by the MuseScore team.

In reply to by btibbels

I agree with everything @cadiz1 told you, particularly to download the AppImage, click the execution property and you're go to go. I'm running Linux Mint Cinnamon also and have rarely had issues with MS...except 4.5.x where I cannot change WorkSpaces and the Undo/Redo button often extends the entire length of the screen on the right-hand side.

Congrats on moving from Windows to Linux Mint!

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