Jazzchord style corrupts file
- Create or open a score with chordnames
- Style > Edit General Style > Chordnames
- Specify "jazzchords.xml"
- Press OK
- File > Save
- File > Reload
MuseScore gives the following error message and fails to reload the file:
MuseScore: Read File
error reading file C:/Program Files/MuseScore 0.9/demos/promenade.mscx at line 23 column 6: error occurred while parsing content
The line in question from the .mscx file looks like this:<>5.12971e-308</>
(Tested using r. 2449 nightly, Windows XP)
fixed in rev. 2453.
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
as a turn around, just erase the corrupted line, and you get your file back.