Import of lilypond hangs

• Dec 29, 2009 - 06:06
S4 - Minor
won't fix

I'm trying to import the attached (incomplete) Lilypond file and MuseScore just hangs in an infinite loop chewing up 100% CPU (well, I let it go for an hour and it did not terminate). It may not be have perfect Lilypond syntax, but Lilypond itself displays it just fine and it would help to have more robust import: better to reject the music or ignore bits it cannot understand (with a warning) than go into an infinite loop or crash.

(I have also tried an earlier version of the same piece in MusicXML and it makes MuseScore instantly crash. But I see you already have bug reports about MusicXML crashing MuseScore so I'll not enter a new one unless requested).

Attachment Size 5.8 KB


Status (old) active won't fix

Lilypond import has been dropped from the code and will not be supported.
For more details see this bad named issue: #2383: Cannot export to lilypond

Regarding MusicXML, your bug report is welcome (with a file to reproduce the behavior). MusicXML support is already good and better every day.

Well, it's open source and clearly you have to pick your battles. But I am disappointed about loss of support for Lilypond. It seems a brilliant match since your keyboard music input method is so close to Lilypond that it seems a most natural front end, plus it's nice to be able to manually tweak files -- it is a very natural way to work around limitations in MuseScore itself (such as the apparent inability to select multiple notes or add staffs) to tweak the music as text, then read it back in and keep working on it.

I suppose one could do that in xml as well, but I suspect it'd be a lot harder. (I confess I've not tried).

Rowen, export of LilyPond is actually much improved in the latest prereleases. It is only import of Lilypond that was dropped. Import is much harder since there are many varieties of Lilypond syntax and structure and the language changes frequently between versions. The import code is still available if anyone wants to take up the project. In its current form though it doesn't really work (as you discovered).