System distance and page layout

• Nov 28, 2014 - 22:47

Hi, I can't seem to change the system distance in the sheet music I'm working on. I want to decrease the space between systems, and try clicking on Style and then the subheading for doing this (just as shown in tutorial 10A), but nothing happens in my sheet music.
Page one and page two (in my two-page layout) don't seem to have the same system distance from the outset. Could that be part of the problem? Maybe I can only change the system distance when I've completed the sheet music?

Also, when I try to change from a two-page layout to a one-page layout (through Edit and Settings), nothing happens. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks for any help! /Dave


Posting the score you are having trouble is usually a good idea, but I can guess: your page is already full enough that it exceeds the Page fill threshold defined in that same dialog, and thus MuseScore automatically spreads everything out to fill the page. If you don't like your systems stretched to fill the page, turn that threshold up to 100%.

As for two-sided layout, what did you expect to see different? A two page layout gives you the *option* of having different margins for even versus odd pages, but I don't think anything obvious would normally happen right away if you don't change the margins.

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