shape notes notes don't recognize key change in the middle of a song.

• Dec 11, 2014 - 19:25

I really like the option of converting to shape notes. But I have one problem. When I need to change key signature in the middle of a song I need the shape notes to adjust accordingly. For example; if my initial key signature is A flat, then my Do is on the second space. But if I change key signature to D flat in the middle of the song then from there on my Do should be on the space below the staff. Automatically if the Do isn't correct then all the rest of the shape notes are wrong as well. I could really appreciate some help with this one.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I'm working on a name-in-the-notehead plugin (using Bravura) and have found the same issue for movable Do. I can find key signature changes, but there doesn't seem to be a way to query the key. The plugin documentation says there is a KeySig method: Key key(), but when trying to access that, I'm getting "Unknown method return type: Key" in the console. Looking at the Key.h and Key.cpp files isn't much help. Is this a soon-to-be implemented feature?

I haven't written any 2.0 Plugins yet so haven't tested this but does the keySignature (Integer, read-only) property of Cursor help?

I'm not very computer literate and have just started using Musecore, for changing songs from normal to shaped notes. I too have the problem of it not recognizing new key signatures after a key change. I found the cursor key signature read-only property, but was unable to understand where to adjust the numbers ( negatives for flats, positives for sharps). Would be glad for any help.

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