Delete one stem from staff

• Dec 17, 2014 - 21:50

The automatic rests are set using voice 1. When createing choral music when creating the bass part (for mens choir) the 2 voices are voice 3 and voice 4. However, the automaticly created rests are in voice 1 and can not be deleted (at least I don't fidn a way of doing that).

It would be nice to be able to delete a voice from a staff and/or selection, and to be able to re-assign a voice of a staff/selection.


in a close score SATB there are 2 staves, one (top, g-clef) for Soprano and Alto, another (bottom, f-clef) for Tenor and Bass, both (should) use voices 1 and 2, using voice 3 and 4 on the bottom staff for Tenor and Bass is wrong, but at least asking for trouble.

Is that what you're talking about? Or are you squeezing all 4 voices into one staff?

You can swap voices, Menu->Edit->Voices

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sorry, stem should read voice! (stem in Dutch = voice in English)

Well, my music is in fact TTBB (Mans choir) with 1st tenor and 2nd tenor in top staff (G-clef) and Bariton and Bass voices in bottom staff (F-clef).

I used voices 1 and 2 in the top staff and voices 3 and 4 in the bottom staff.

I am rather new to MuseScore. The reason I did this was that I want to be able to emphasize particular voices during playback to allow people to exercices there own voice.

Also, I carefully read the manuals and found no reference to the default rests being in voice 1, regardless. So, now I am stuck with voices 3 & 4 in the bottom staff, with the automatic rests (in voice 1) also there.

I also envisioned to 'derive' music for one voice only by just deleting the unneeded voices. Can this be accomplished in another way?

All in all it does not seem logical to me.

In reply to by Rob Jasper

It's all logical if you let go of your assumption that it makes sense to use voices 3 & 4 in the bottom staff. It doesn't. THose voices are not per *score*, they are per *staff*. So eahc *staff* can have up to four voices, and for each staff, voice 1 is the default voice that must always be present. Normally, you'd use voice 1 on every staff, voice 2 for staves that require a second voice. Voice 3 is used pretty rarely - some compelx solo piano and guitar music. Consider - how would one every write music for a whole orchestra if you were limited to four voices per *score*?

Anyhow, you aren't stuck with your music in voices 3 & 4. Just use Edit / Voices to exchange 1 & 3 then 2 & 4.

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