Crash for all the Lines when pressing Ctrl or Shift in combination with arrows keys in « off edit mode »

• Jan 2, 2015 - 15:43
S2 - Critical

Nightly, January 2 8cc7741 / Windows7

1. Create a new score, or open this file : test lines.mscz

2. From the Lines palette, drag and drop in the first measure a hairpin/or volta/or trill line/or pedal line/or text line, etc.

3. Before any other action (so : this line is highlighted)  : Press Ctrl + right arrow/or left arrow

Ditto with : Press Shift + arrow → release Shift → press arrow again

Result : crash

- Additionnal notes: All the lines are affected. Except the slur, which already happens in edit mode after drag and drop.
Same case for the hairpins after double click, ditto in edit mode.

It is therefore in a “semi edit mode” - I do not quite know how to express it -, that these lines are in great danger. Or, in other words: between the Edit mode and Escape (or before any other action that deselect them -> so: no highlighted)

As far as I can go back, i.e. more than seven months, I see the same issue. Unlikely, isn't it, to have lived so long without noticing this? And yet...!

NB: With 1.3, the lines are not highlighted after dropping on the score. Editing can only be done afterwards.

Attachment Size
test lines.mscz 4.09 KB
