Some problems with note entries

• Jan 9, 2015 - 11:38

In my last response I mentioned my non-intuitive problems with note entry and Marc suggested I put it in another thread.
One thing is that in editing mode the cursor automatically goes to the next position but sometimes you want to add manually a note to make a chord. The trick is that you first move the cursor back (left-arrow) and then can place the note, however, when you use interval procedure (Alt+interval) then the chord appears normally and another thing is that removing a note (using Delete) is not always how you expect it. In non-editing mode it is much clearer.
Another really annoying thing is that you cannot remove a rest. Simple example:
I have a measure beginning with 1/8 rest then 1/8 note and then a quarter note. Now I want to remove the 1/8 rest (actually make the 1/8 note 1/4) but that's impossible. I saw that Marc a few days ago mentioned that with shift_left/right (arrow) you could exchange the 2 but that doesn't work in my version (Beta2 in Ubuntu 14.04).
Another thing is that the calculator keyboard suddenly doesn't work. With or without numlock it doesn't work. Maybe it's a problem in Ubuntu, I haven't researched that yet.
For the rest I have few problems. I'm very happy with the navigator and the continuous view! That's a fantastic feature when writing scores over 4 pages or more, especially when arranging. Moreover the features are abundant and well and after working for >10 years with Finale, I don't hesitate to call MuseScore the better notation software.
The only thing I miss is the possibility to enter chords from a piano-keyboard to write whole scores directly but I know that that is practically impossible and requires a lot of computing power, but one may wish!!


You don't have to move the cursor back to add a note to a chord. Even though the cursor moves on after entering a note, the note you just entered remains selected. So if you press Shift + letter (or use Shift or Alt + number to enter chords by invterval), can add to the note you just entered.

Not sure what you mean about Delete, but it always - whether in note entry mode or not - works exactly the same way: it replaces whatever notes are *selected* (highlighted in blue or whatever the color of their voice is) with rests.

Removing a rest makes no musical sense. It's already silent; you can't make it more silent. What you are describing is not "removing" a rest; it is *replacing* it with notes. So that's what you do - simply replace it. If it so happens that what you want to replace it with is the notes that come after - that is, you want to move one or more notes earlier - then you need do that *directly*; you don't cause that to happen indirectly by changing something that came before (the rest). So if you have a passage that current starts on the "and" of 1 and you want it to appear on 1 instead, simply select the passage, cut, click where want it to start, paste.

Shift+Left/Right *does* work. It's only in note entry mode. In your example, if you have a measure that starts with eighth rest followed by eighth note, go to note entry mode, move cursor to the eighth rest, press Shfit+Right.

Also, as far as I know, you *can* enter whole chords directly from MIDI. What goes wrong when you try?

In the future, it's best to post separate threads for each problem you are having, and given each a descriptive title. makes it easier to follow the discussion, easier for others to find information later, etc.

@ J.L. Blom ...Regarding 'Delete'
You wrote: '...removing a note (using Delete) is not always how you expect it.' Also, in your post, I am assuming that by your reference to 'editing mode' you mean 'note entry mode', as that is the usual means to add notes/chords.

So, to remove a note that you have just added - while in note entry mode - use 'Backspace' or 'Ctrl'+'Z'.
This acts like an 'undo' which you can use multiple times to 'travel backwards'.

Using the 'Delete' key is more common outside of note entry mode - where one can select an item or range of items and delete all at once.


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