Is it Possible to DISPLAY the Time Signature on each line (like key signature)?
My students seem to need the reminder of a time signature at the start of each line. This does not seem to be automatic in MuseScore 1.2 but it would be helpful. Just an idea...
Consider upgrading to 1.3 (unless you're on Mac Mavericks or Yosemite)
Or even to 2.0 Beta 2...
Even if that automatic timesig in every system is not possible in either, this is a known bug: #25966: "Create time signature for all systems" doesn't work
There's a style option that appears to be for this purpose in 2.0, but ti doesn't seem to work - see #25966: "Create time signature for all systems" doesn't work. However, in both 1.3 and 2.0, you can add the time signatures manually. In 2.0, you'll probably want to turn off the automatic courtesy time signatures in Style / General / Page - same place as the option to create time signatures in all systems, except this option works :-)