Keyboard shortcut for Zoom In doesn't work

• Jan 11, 2015 - 22:32

I'm on Windows 7 and I can't get Ctrl++ to work. It seems to do nothing at all. Ctrl+- works fine. This is true for all versions I've tried (1.3, 2.0 Beta 2, and nightly build R.83622b0).


What type of keybaord? Where is "+" located? Depending on keyboard layout, you might be experiencing a conflict with some other shortcut. For example, on my keyboard, "+" is located above "=". So if there were also a shortcut defined "Ctrl+Shift+=", they would conflict. This is the case with ">" and "Shift+.", for instance.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My '+' is also located above '='.

According to Wikipedia, Ctrl+Shift+= is the shortcut for "superscript". Which is unfortunate, since I never use superscripts, and I find having to go to the View or Display menu every time I want to zoom in to be a real annoyance (especially since there is no access key for this command once you reach the menu, so you either have to scroll through the commands with the arrow keys, or use the mouse).

I imagine there's no way for the user to redefine MuseScore shortcuts. As a favor to those of us whose '+' shares a key with '=' (which has to include most laptop users, I'd think), would it be possible for MuseScore to support a second Zoom In shortcut?

In reply to by ghicks

No, I didn't mean any *general* conflcit - I meant a conflcit within MuseScore. "Ctrl+Shift+=" is not used as a shortcut within MuseScore. However, I now see that it doesn't work for me on Windows either - only on Linux.

In any case, yes, you can redefine shortcuts. Edit / Preference / Shortcuts.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, that's what I'm saying. However, I would like to use Ctrl+Shift+= to zoom in. Is there a way to customize the shortcuts in MuseScore so that this will work in Windows?

Under Edit/Preferences/Shortcut, the "Zoom in" shortcut is set to Ctrl++. If I try to change it, and type Ctrl+Shift+=, it simply sets it to Ctrl++, which is what it was already set to. This is unsurprising but unhelpful. Are you saying that Ctrl++ is simply an unavailable shortcut on some platforms?


In reply to by Solomon Douglas

Could be, I guess. The underlying handling of keystrokes is managed by the Qt libraries we rely on. If Qt tells us someone pressed "Ctrl++", then we act on it, but we can't do anything if Qt doesn't understand that this is what was pressed. There are unfortunately so many different keyboards in the world, not to mention several different OS's that Qt needs to support, that it is pretty a given that every once in a while there will be some combination that isn't quite supported properly.

FWIW, it works fine on my current computer, which also has no numeric keyboard and has "+" accessed as "Shift+=", and also I beleive on my old computer which had a similar keyboard configuration. No idea why it wouldn't for you, but if it doesn't, it doesn't; I guess you'll need to define a different shortcut.

If your computer keyboard has a numeric keypad, use the '+' sign located there - above 'Enter'.
(I'm on Windows 7, and Ctrl ++ doesn't work for me either.)


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