ESC to abort Drag and Drop action

• Jan 22, 2015 - 22:59

If I accidentally drag a note or am adding a wrong special character from a palette it would be very useful if I could abort the action by pressing ESC - like most MSOffice products do.

The note should then flip to its previous position, and the palette element should not be positioned in the score. Do you think this feature could be possible?


[Ctrl] -
z - undo
x - cut
c - copy
v - paste

(they pre-date MS Office and are almost universal).
And [Ctrl][Shift] z to undo an undo.

What I would like to see is [Esc] exiting the object inspector and any dialogue boxes or pop-up windows.

In reply to by underquark

What OS are you on? Esc cancels dialogs just fine for me on Ubuntu. Not non-modal windows like the Mixer, but that wouod be quite non-standard. And not sure what you mean about the Inspector. Esc while keybaord focus in the Inspector should have the effect of clearing the selection, just like it does when focus is not in the Inspector. You want it to behave differently? Or you are seeing soemthing different than I?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Linux 14.04. Esc doesn't cancel, for instance, Master Palette and when pressing it with Object Inspector showing it leaves the Inspector there but just says "Nothing Selected" (OK, pressing [Shift]-F9 or F8 again does cancel them but people get used to Esc closing most things). I seem to recall Esc didn't close the Symbol palette either but since Z isn't opening the Symbol palette for me today I can't tell. Might be a problem with my build (3e80e5a), of course. I need to do an update later. I mainly replied to just highlight that [Ctrl]-v was Paste rather than Cancel.

In reply to by underquark

The Master Palette is not a modal duialog, so it is not normally appropriate for Esc to close it by my understanding of usual GUI design principles. Only modal dialogs are normally closed by Esc. The Symbols palette is just one tab within the Master Palette, so same there. Nonmodal dialogs are normally closed by Alt+F4 on Windows, not sure about other OS's, but at least some Ubuntu window managers use that shortcut as well.

As for the Inspector - it is not a modal dialog either, so it would be inappropriate for Esc to close it. In fact, that would be especially bad - the Inspector is meant to be left up at all times unless you explciitly close it. However, as noted, the Inspector is special in that focus is kind of "shared" between the score and Inspector.

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