MusicXML score in the browser with synchronized video playback.

• Jan 26, 2015 - 12:28

Hello all,

Below is a link to abcweb, a program that renders MusicXML in the browser while playing
a video/audio file. A synchronized cursor (shaded measure or line) moves with the music.
The program only uses javascript and you can display your own (local) score and media file.

No preprocessing needed. No server interaction involved.

Willem Vree

The score is rendered by translating MusicXML into ABC notation, and next translating ABC into SVG.
The total size of the javascript code to do all this is only a little more then 300kb!
(only musical information from the MusicXML file is translated and rendered)


Great code! I've been searching how to show MusicXml files in a browser, and this one is the best i've found.
Thanks for sharing.

yeah it's a nice lib but it's so complicated to find a way to create a synchronisation file. MuseScore (on Linux) has no plugin to do that. I know that NewZik (on iOs) is able to edit that kind of manifest, but I don't find one on Linux (and I've got no iOs hardware)

Any help ?

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