Toggle between swing and even eights

• Jan 28, 2015 - 10:37

The Beta 2 version of the MuseScore-program has a feature, "Swing" in the "Text"-box to the left, and it is fine to make a swing-feeling in the playback of a score.
I miss, though, an opposite feature, it might be named "Even" to put in the score, when even eights is wanted. Sometimes a score contains both even and swing eights, and it would be fantastic to toggle between the two features.
I hope it can be done without too much trouble.

Uffe Nielsen

P.S. I'm really most impressed by the program - it is excellent, and it is getting better every day, thanks to some clever programmers!


Just use the Swing from the Text palette, modify the text to read "Even" and set Swing to off right-click → System Text Properties → Swing Settings

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