Cannot tie normal note to forthcoming acciaccatura of normal note

• Feb 4, 2015 - 22:02

1. Open attached score (produced in 1.3).
2. Click on first F.
3. 'Tie'.

Expected result: It ties to the grace note of the forthcoming normal note.
Cannot tie normal note to forthcoming acciaccatura of normal note - Expected result.png

Actual result: It doesn't tie.

Note: It is also reproducible in a 2.0 score.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build 8b747c1 - Mac 10.7.5


Title Cannot tie normal note to forthcoming acciaccatura normal note Cannot tie normal note to forthcoming acciaccatura of normal note

Huh, I had this working at one time - see #6535: Impossible to tie to a grace note. I suspect I may have broken it with my fix for #44126: Adding a tie will select a note in another voice in preference to same voice. Looks like right now ties from normal notes to grace notes after are working, and ties from grace notes after to normal notes are working, and ties from grace notes before to normal notes are working. Only ties from normal notes to grace notes before are not as far as I can tell.


Actually, I'm not so sure this particular case was ever working. It looks like the code I added before only worked for ties between a regular note and its *own* grace notes (both before and after), not from a grace note to a grace note before the *next* regular note. I also didn't specifically go out of my way to hande a tie from a grace note after to the *next* regular note, although this case did kind of happen to work at least sometimes.

Anyhow, I'll have a fix for this shortly.