New splash screen wanted for MuseScore 0.9.6

• Feb 24, 2010 - 10:44

Since the release of version 0.9.5 in August 2009, MuseScore has been downloaded more than 160.000 times. This figure does not include the many computers on which MuseScore was preinstalled. Needless to say that MuseScore has a pretty large and growing user base. Soon, these MuseScore users will be able to enjoy the new 0.9.6 release which is packed with new features and bug fixes. To make this message clear, we would like to see a redesigned splash screen for 0.9.6.

Every time one of us is starting up MuseScore, we are all welcomed by the same splash screen (see below). Now that we have a new wordmark for 0.9.6, it would be great to update and improve the splash screen as well. Therefore, MuseScore is reaching out to designers who want to create a new splash screen for the upcoming 0.9.6 release. If you have some inspiration, anything, open up your preferred graphics software and let the muse within yourself create a wonderful splash screen.

Old 0.9.5 splash screen

Specifications for 0.9.6 splash screen

Dimensions: same one as previous version, but you are free to change it.
Required elements:

What is a splash screen

Wikipedia explains a splash screen as: "Splash screen is a term used to describe an image that appears while a computer program is loading." There are many examples to be found which can inspire you.

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