Chords inserted above melody line

• Feb 11, 2015 - 17:25

I have basic skills and music knowledge. I have worked out how to insert chords symbols above melody line but when I need 3-4 chords within a bar they overwrite each other! Stretching the bar only stretches everything else including text, so still have the same problem. Could anybody help please . Terry


Yes I am using the stretch tab and as you say the whole score is scaled up. Where do I. Find the bracket tab and operate same. I have no score to send as such as I'm really trying to find my way little by little. Really appreciate your help. Terry.

In reply to by Terry. Rigler.

Stretch is not the same as scaling. Stretch in Layout / Add More Stretch, and it does not change *size* of text or anything else - just the amount of horizontal space between notes. In 1.3, you will have to stretch the measure out by hand - either by repeatedly applying the "add more stretch" command until it's big enough, ot by adding line breaks to force fewer measures per system.

In 2.0, measures will stretch themselves out to avoid chord symbol overlap. 2.0 is not released yet officially, but the nightly builds referenced above allow you to try out new features give feedback.

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