Delete time signature corrupts key signature

• Mar 6, 2015 - 11:32
S2 - Critical

Reported here

  1. Create a score with two key signature changes and two time signature changes on the first line. See attached file.
  2. Delete the 2 time signatures
  3. Undo both deletion
  4. Insert a break

The key sig after the break is not correct.

Attachment Size
testkeysigtimesig.mscz 5.09 KB


Title Undo time signature delete corrupt score key signature Delete time signature corrupts key signature

Yes, the score posted is already corrupt. But I used it as a model to create a new one. I have attached my version below.

I think problems actually start the moment you delete the first time signature change:

1) load attached score
2) click the 4/4 in bar 4
3) delete

Result: the key map is already wrong, as you can see by the accidentals that appear on the B's in the last measures.

But actually, it's worse that that - I think something is amiss the moment you add the time signature change. Try this:

1) new score, treble clef template, key of C, 2/4 time signature
2) drag 4/4 to measure 4
3) add notes to measure 4

Result: it's still 2/4

This happens only if the the 2/4 is added in the wizard, not if the score starts 4/4 then you change the initial time signature to 2/4. So it might not be related - the attached score was initially created as 4/4.

Attachment Size
key-time-sig.mscz 3.38 KB

I started investigating this issue and I focus on this point (comment #2):

"I think problems actually start the moment you delete the first time signature change:

1) load attached score
2) click the 4/4 in bar 4
3) delete

Result: the key map is already wrong, as you can see by the accidentals that appear on the B's in the last measures."

The problem is that the behavior changes over time...:(
What I can say for now: there is a significant change on February 17. With this
Nightly, ec8913a
I get a failure (with the appearance of accidentals B and E in the last measures) immediately after the deletion of 4/4 time sig:
delete keysig on ec8913a.jpg
After seeing, there is some reasons to think that this Nigthly-commit previously mentionned is possibly involved. To fix this issue: #45601: changing note value can lead to missing accidentals

With the previous Nigthly: 11b49de, the removal of the timesig works as expected:
delete timesig on 11b49de.jpg

After Undo also, it's ok:

BUT, after Redo, or after entering notes (from the second quarter note, the first works...), the accidentals B and E appears again:
entry second note.jpg

On Beta2, it fails on the second step (undo the removal time sig)

A reason for hope: I see that on a Nightly around the Beta1, everything works, undo and redo. I'll try to find where it broke.

After verification, and after testing various x Nightlies between Beta 1 and Beta2, I do not see any other major change that on December 22 precisely (day of the release of the Beta2)

With this Nightly: 4a3c98a
I receive a correct result, at all steps: delete,
(and entering notes)
3entering notes.jpg

With the Nightly: 5c9b9da,
the first step (deletion) is ok:
4deletion keysig.jpg
But the second step (undo) fails. And so the following, redo ...
5Undo december 22.jpg

It happened just one hour between these Nigthlies (3:06 p.m. and 4:06 p.m.) So: even I am not very sure, the cause might here?…
To fix: #39901: Undo of concert pitch produces incorrect transposition

Thanks to check whether I have not forgotten anything.

Thanks as always for the investigation!

The change you mention on December 22 may have exposed the issue - by making the accidentals visible - but I suspect there may have a problem before that as well that might not have been visible until you tried entering notes into that measure?

Anyhow, my understanding is that Werner is working on a fix.

It is possible to have forgotten something, but after rechecking on Nightlies in last August, September, October, November and some others in December, I do not see, after time sig deletion, and undo, a change at the third alternative step (with redo), ie entering notes in 4/4 time sig.
All semble fine for me until the 22 december, and then, other mentionned commits have added their two cents. It is my understanding of this issue in this moment.