Loop Playback doesn't play repeat correctly

• Mar 28, 2015 - 11:12

Release: 2.0.0 Version 6e74f74
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premimum 64 bit SP1

Create simple score with 2 sections each repeated.
Select play icon ("Start or stop play") - plays correctly AABB
Select loop playback icon, play icon - plays AAB, AAB, ... skips repeat of the B section.

I have attached a simple score to demonstrate this.

Attachment Size
Loop Test.mscz 10.18 KB


No one has commented on this problem since I posted it more than 5 weeks ago. Do I need to provide more information or is there an alternate place to report problems.

I would like to be able to promote MuseScore as a practice tool for a group of musicians I am learning with. Until this problem fixed it can't be used for that purpose.

MuseScore is a wonderful program.

In reply to by AllenJ

There is other way to make MuseScore play and loop correctly. That is: the first, you select measures and then you click loop playback icon, next play. Now, MuseScore play and loop correctly.

Note: This is only OTHER way. Your case what wrote above it is still a bug.

In reply to by travelalphaplus

Confirmed the bug is still there in v2.0.2 rev. f51dc11, on Win-7 Pro 64-bit. Thank you very, very much for the work-around, it works for me ! This bug was driving me crazy because I had gotten around it once randomly trying various things, but then I could not remember what made it work; it must have been this ! Thanks again !!!

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